Marije van Kapel

Production manager, Friendly Fire
Marije has been with Friendly Fire for nearly ten years and is considered one of the cornerstones of Best Kept Secret. As the production manager, her passion and dedication shine through the moment she hops on her mountain bike, overseeing the festival's development step by step. Her contagious energy inspires both staff and suppliers alike. With a strong focus on creativity, sustainability, and innovation, she continuously pushes the festival to new heights each year. Besides Best Kept Secret. In addition to her work with Best Kept Secret, she is also involved in FKP Scorpio Belgium productions, such as Ed Sheeran's 2025 Greenfield shows in Antwerp and Live /s Live. In the past, she has also played a key role in the production of various other Friendly Fire festivals, including Indian Summer Festival, Tuckerville, Loose Ends, Strange Sounds from Beyond, and more.
Za 18 JAN - 14:30-15:30 - Oosterpoort - Marathonzaal