Jaap Gordijn

co-founder and partner, The Value Engineers / VU Amsterdam
Dr. Jaap Gordijn ( is co-founder and partner of The Value Engineers, a company delivering a methodology and associated software tooling for the design and analysis of complex digital ecosystems. Also, he holds the UNESCO chair of the Decentralized Information Society Engineering (DISE) and leads the corresponding research group at VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Jaap is the key developer of, and has internationally published on, the e3-value methodology, which comprises a graphical technique to design and evaluate networked business models ( Earlier, he was a member of Cisco’s International Internet Business Solution Group. As such, he was active as an e-business strategy consultant in the international banking, insurance, and digital content industries.
Do 16 JAN - 13:30-14:30 - Oosterpoort - Bovenzaal 1