Henk Schuit

Vice-Voorzitter, VVEM (Vereniging van Evenementenmakers)
Henk Schuit is vice chairman of the VVEM (Dutch association of event makers). Next to this he is treasurer at the Foundation Weet Waar Je Kopen! (foundation for collective education to the general public on secondary ticketing). Henk has more than thirty years of experience in the live entertainment and ticketing business and is familiar with all aspects of ticketing and was until recently Managing Director of Eventim Netherlands. Before being working at CTS Eventim Netherlands, Henk was employed by the Dutch State Lottery where he, as Manager TicketBox, was responsible for the strategy and day-to-day operations of all ticketing activities. Before he got involved in ticketing Henk was active in the music business where he was marketing and communication manager at the record label Provogue. Henk studied business economics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Michigan.
Za 18 JAN - 13:00-14:00 - Oosterpoort - Bovenzaal 1