Have You Been AI-ed?

An Object Lesson for the Unconvinced

Gepresenteerd door:
DO 16 Jan - 13:30 - 14:30 - Oosterpoort - Marathonzaal
Artist & management, AI, Agents & promoters
English spoken
Whether or not you've consciously chosen to use an AI platform in your workflow, your life is now AI-assisted. Your email account, your translator of choice, your spelling corrector, and even your medical/dental appointments are now run by AI, and this encroachment is only going to grow. But what it really proves is that AI is very good at taking care of mundane things - and other bigger, shinier things too. This session aims to demonstrate how AI can be seriously useful for labels, publishers, bookers, and back-end people, as well as for producers and artists too. After this, you'll see AI with very different eyes!
Moderator Sprekers