Bringing Di­ver­sity, Equity & In­clu­si­on To Live Events

Gepresenteerd door: 3F & YOUROPE
DO 16 Jan - 10:30 - 11:30 - Oosterpoort - Grijze zaal
Festivals & Venues, Diversity & inclusion
English spoken
To help create more inclusive events, YOUROPE (the European Festival Association) developed and released a “Diversity & Inclusion Toolset” last year. It contains dozens of resources like guides, tests, reports, and inspirational good-practice stories about great initiatives at European festivals. In this panel, we’ll take a look at some of these resources and good-practice examples. Together with experts from across the continent, we’ll discuss why diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) matter for the success of your event and organization: Gina Périer created the female urinals Lapee, Desta Matla coordinates the Masterclasses for Creative Accessibilty for Possibilize, and Peppi Arrimo is responsible for DEI at Provinssi Festival. Please sit back and get ready for a large portion of inspiration and first-hand information on one of the priority topcs of our time.
Moderator Sprekers