Energy, Tech & Tunes 2025 | The Power of Events: From Strategy to Societal Narrative
'The Power of Events: van Strategie tot Maatschappelijk Verhaal'
Panel / Talk -
Free activity
THU - 13:30-17:00 - House of Connections
THU - 09:00-13:00 - Stadhuis Groningen
Do you want to learn how to effectively use participation in your organization? In the morning, we will dive into the power of collaboration during an interactive workshop (organized by Stichting GROENN and the Rudolf Agricola School) and discuss various ways to involve citizens in strategy and policy. In the afternoon, we will explore the power of events as a catalyst for societal impact. The next step is to communicate this value as a story to the surrounding community. Through practical examples and insights from various studies, we will show how events like ESNS contribute to societal impact.
Presented by:
RUG/ESNS/Gemeente Groningen