Mariska van Elsen

Hoofd Cultuurparticipatie, Onderzoek & Expertise, Rotterdam Festivals
Mariska van Elsen, Head of Cultural Participation, Research & Expertise at Rotterdam Festivals, has been active in the cultural sector for many years. She has been involved in the development of the Cultural Target Groups Model, a tool used to better understand audience groups and promote broad cultural reach. This model is applied in various places across the Netherlands and helps improve inclusivity and diversity in cultural offerings. It is an important tool in programming and marketing events and cultural activities. In addition to mapping the audience, more and more cultural creators are looking to take a deeper dive and also measure their impact. Rotterdam Festivals, together with cultural organizations, gathers insights into the experiences and effects of cultural activities.
Thu 16 JAN - 15:00-16:00 - Oosterpoort - Artiestenfoyer