Marijn Kingma

Partner/Attorney at law, Höcker Advocaten
Marijn Kingma is a partner at Höcker Advocaten, based in Amsterdam. Marijn specializes in information law, with a focus on copyright and media law. Marijn has a varied practice; her clients range from collective management organisations to broadcasters and international entertainment companies. She conducts complex, strategic litigation and has been involved in several national landmark cases. Marijn is a member of the editorial board of the legal-scientific journal Auteursrecht ("Copyright"), a member of the Commissie Auteursrecht ("Copyright Committee"'; advisory board to the Ministry of Justice and Security), an active member of the International Association of Entertainment Lawyers and a regular speaker at (national and international) conferences. According to international legal guides, her clients call her "a force of nature, made entirely of conviction and determination."
Fri 17 JAN - 12:00-13:00 - Oosterpoort - Grijze zaal
Thu 16 JAN - 13:30-14:30 - Oosterpoort - Grijze zaal