Louise Lindén

Founder & President, LiveGreen Festivals & Academy
Louise Lindén is an award-winning pioneer within festival-driven transformation and artistic advocacy in Sweden. She founded LiveGreen Festival at the age of 18, and has since then worked for a more sustainable and resilient future, combining science, innovation, activism and creative communication. She is the producer of the Swedish event industry's yearly climate meeting, Greentopia, at Way Out West, she has co-designed several big music festivals' sustainability agenda, and organized Climate Live – the biggest climate concert in Sweden until this day – together with Greta Thunberg's movement Fridays For Future. Louise' leadership has been awarded by King Carl XVI of Sweden, and she has been appointed "young sustainability talent" as well as "prominent climate woman".
Thu 16 JAN - 15:00-16:00 - Oosterpoort - Kunstpunt
Fri 17 JAN - 10:30-11:30 - Oosterpoort - Grote zaal